Hello...My name is Crowley..and I am a shopaholic. I don't just mean I "like" to shop..I LOVE TO SHOP!! ..like would mug virtual old ladies for shoes love. I've held numerous jobs in sl, event hopped, zyngo'd, stalked sploders...pretty much you name it I have done it to feed my addiction. However, as with every addict, there always comes those times where you can not support your addiction. Logging on to find 33 linden and a crumpled up sticky note in your purse just doesn't fly ( in fact for a shopaholic that's the 7th layer of Hell).
In these situations its usually healthier to try and wait it out till your financial situation improves...oh hell who am I kidding?..wait? ..theres no wait..that's just silly. Something brand shiny and new must be had NOW! Ok so you can log into SL Marketplace and troll through the 0L - 10L items. I mean sometimes you can find some cool stuff there but you have to be willing to weed through all the..umm ..not so cool stuff first, and believe me..theres alot of it.
What other options are there you ask? ..Well..Let me tell you...I just recently found out that one of my favorite stores ,
Surf Couture, has a discount outlet!! Now I know what you might be thinking having experienced other discount stores where the prices yes are great but not so great when your shopping money consists of what you could yank out of the couch cushions. However , not only is this outlet full of really awesome Surf Couture items..The prices are super freaking cheap! Like , take this really cute Racerback Striped Tank ...comes in 12 different colours and is only 25L!..Or , this little Floral Cab Sweater I am wearing..again multiple colour choice and only 27L!. The outlet is full of awesome stuffies for you to check out.
Now boys and girls what was today's lesson?..Stop trollin for freebies and get your broke behinds to
Surf Co. Discount Outlet! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a support group to go to...which is right next to that great shoe store...hmm..I wonder if there is a sploder along the way....
Skin; Tuli - Sara Sunkissed - 03
Hair: Detour - Unravel B - Dark Brown
Nails : Razlpsa Loc - Black Cherry Nails
Glasses: Surf Co. - Funnel Cake Shades - Black (discount outlet location)
Earrings: Indyra - Nuvella Hoop Earrings - Silver
Necklace: Last Call - Ingrid Red Agate Rock Necklace ( part of Ingrid outfit)
Sweater: Surf Co. - Floral Cab Sweater - Red (discount outlet location)
Tanktop: Surf.Co. - Racerback Striped Tank - Red/Lightblue (discount outlet location)
Shorts: League - Frayed Denim Shorts - Warm Blue
Boots: Surf Co. - Rain Boots - Red (discount outlet location)
Pose: Magnifique Poses - Shy Standing pose 1