It's Luna Jubilee Colour Challenge time again , and this weeks colour is Ruby. I was in a silly mood today, I got to thinking...If I were to find myself caught on People Of Walmart website, what would I want to be caught wearing? Ok ..ok.. I know pretty strange random thought to have... but my brain is like someones Junk drawer, all kinds of stuff in there that nobody knows where it came from or what its for..lol. Anyway back to matters at hand. I was thinking that I wouldn't want to be one of those people caught with back boobs or a flesh coloured fanny pack. I would want to be caught in something strange but cute. I would want to be one of those people who although they make you wonder what they were thinking, you can't help but like what they have on in some weird twisted way.
I found these cute Hot Pants at Boom and knew they had to be part of my Walmart ensemble. They also come with a lime green version and are only 25L !! When I saw this paper crown at Sanu I knew it had to be mine..I mean whose never wanted to be a Paper Crown Princess..Hmmmm? and what Walmart shopping outfit would be complete with out a feather boa and over the knee sock? All in all , I think I'm looking pretty snazzy and ready to shop smart! (Tries desperately to hold in a giggle)
*Disclaimer: No offense intended to anyone who shops ( I shop there) or works at Walmart*
*Disclaimer: No offense intended to anyone who shops ( I shop there) or works at Walmart*
Skin: Tuli - Sara Sunkissed - 05
Tattoo Lipstick: Tuli - Sara/Sunkissed/Lips - Raspberry
Hair: Elikatira - Break - Red 08
Top: Pig - Day Lillies Camisole - Antiquated
Shorts: Boom - Neon Hot Pants -Pink
Shoes: Maitreya Gold - Moxie - Coal
Tattoo: Garden Of Ku - La Virgen de Guadalupe
Crown: Sanu - Paper Crown Red
Pose: !Bang - Oops Mai Bad 2